Thiago's Space Blog

Just another blog, this one about my learnings as I join the Space Industry as a software engineer.

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13 January 2022

Fun With Certificates

Running gRPC server and REST proxy with TLS

I just updated our gRPC example code to support TLS. Commit 40b1a5f adds the required TLS data (certificate, private key) and updates both the Python gRPC server and the Go REST proxy to optionally support secure channels.

This is how to start the gRPC server and REST proxy with TLS enabled:

gRPC server
python src/python_grpc/ \
    --cert_path tls_data/server.crt \
    --private_key_path tls_data/server.key
REST proxy
./rest_reverse_proxy --cert_path tls_data/server.crt

And to test it, you can use the example client or grpcurl with TLS enabled:

gRPC client
python src/python_grpc/ --cert_path tls_data/server.crt
grpcurl \
    -cacert tls_data/server.crt \
    -d '{"message": "greetings grpcurl"}' \
    localhost:8080  \

Here are two helpful docs I used while implementing this feature:

Next up: exposing the gRPC service via!