Thiago's Space Blog

Just another blog, this one about my learnings as I join the Space Industry as a software engineer.

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20 January 2022

Visualizing Orbits

Orbit visualization with Dash

After discovering the ability to convert a TLE to Orbit using TLE-tools, I went spelunking and learned something really helpful: how to plot orbits in order to visualize them! This is what the orbit for the example TLE I retrieved from SpaceTrack looks like:

That plot is currently available at I plan on making this a little more interesting, creating a simple UI to allow entering a TLE and getting back the decoded version, the textual representation for the corresponding orbit (using my space-api), and a link to the visualization.

Here’s what I learned by spelunking into the code. TLE-tools relies on poliastro to convert a TLE to poliastro.twobody.orbit.Orbit. poliastro is a library for interactive Astrodynamics and Orbital Mechanics, which I’ll definitely be exploring further.

poliastro uses Dash to plot orbits. Dash is a framework for data applications, built on top of plotly.js, React and Flask. is an interactive, browser-based graphing library for Python, based on ploty.js.

These are pretty impressive, powerful libraries that I’m glad to be aware of now!